Wednesday 26 November 2008

Things in the Post

I thought I would be quite random today and rather than bitching about society/life/government/life and thought I would talk about something nice. THE POST!

How amazing do you feel when you get mail? I don't even care if it my credit card bill, the fact I got something in the post makes it SO much more exciting. I don't get mail very often, so when I do it's like a mini party in my head.

OK, so the Royal Mail isn't the best service in the world and I am sure many things have been lost in the post for some of us, but you can't honestly say that when something you didn't expect comes through the post you get all excited and “Oooo!!! I wonder what it is!!” It's that 30 seconds of excitement that get me the most, it makes my day.

So as much as mail services can be really poo, I love getting mail in the post and I think that everyone else should be grateful when they get mail, even if it is a bill, because some people don't even get that. ALL HAIL MAIL!

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