Wednesday 3 December 2008

Oops - Feeling Fruity

I forgot to post my blog yesterday!

I did write one, I just forgot to stick it up, so lucky people get 2 today!

I am not one to crave fruit very often, but today I didn't fancy eating anything but fruit. How weird is that? For someone who isn't the biggest fruit eater, I was feeling rather fruity. I ate some pineapple and mango. I don't really know why I am talking about fruits, I just thought randomly I would start something to talk about.

I also support the Post Office today. Had to send some packages away and I wasn't sure, but the guy behind the counter was so lovely and helpful. Thank you Mr Post Office Man!

Stop! Woah yeah wait a minute Mr Postman...

I don't really have much going through my head today (no surprise some of you will think) I am just kind of... there. I will say one thing though. I have eaten so much food today it is annoying and ridiculous. I don't have my huge bottle of water on my desk so I probably haven't drunk enough water, hence feeling tired at 3pm in the afternoon. Although waking up at 4am doesn't help with the tiredness.

Why is it we get up at all hours of the morning, 1am, 2am, 3am etc... and we are wide awake, ready to get up, start the day and get to work, but when our alarms actually go off, getting out of bed is like doing housework? You know you have to do it but it's just so much effort and you'd rather stay in bed/ on the sofa. Just 10 more minutes! I hear you cry, but that 10 minutes will inevitably make you late and then you'll be stuck in traffic because leaving just 10 minutes later means 100,000 more cars on the A406. Sucks to be in traffic.

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