Thursday, 10 January 2008

My Book, I'm not Leaving Synopsis.

Chilli doesn’t want to grow up. She doesn’t want to change her life. She loves her friends, she loves her boyfriend Gary too, but that is not going to stop her from wanting her to go to university to make something of her self. So while making a very big decision on what course she wants to do, her parents go mental when she decides to do Psychology instead of Computing Science. Oh the horror on their faces! She hates arguing with them and the nagging is unbearable, I mean, seriously, why do they do those kinds of things? Stupid bloody guilt trips. So she compromises her life and does what they want just to keep them quiet.

That doesn’t last for very long though, Asian parents always have an opinion on everything. She wanted to move away from home but they won’t let her take out a student loan. “Can’t start your life in debt. You’ll be paying that back forever!” Everyone has debt! But not the princess that she is, or is that the princess they want her to be?

Everything goes pear shaped when her parents discover she has a white boyfriend. They force her to choose between them and Gary. “You can’t deny true love, follow your heart Chilli.” Gary is a good Christian boy also going to university in London and as he applied to halls too late, it makes more sense for them to move in together. It makes life so much easier for Chilli as she has no loan, university is about to start with a course she never wanted to do in the first place, no source of income and no friends as they have all moved away from home. Honestly, things could not get any worse.

University is a drag. Chilli is surrounded by geeks. Hardcore computing geeks that network their laptops so they can play games with each other in the student union. My god this is like suicide for her. She should never have done what her parents wanted. They aren’t even talking to her now! The only semi – normal guy is Robbie, he is so wonderful to her and so funny. They become really close really quickly. It is like they have known each other for years.

Trying to find a job isn’t easy either. Having to go down to the job centre every two weeks to sign on is a pain in the arse, especially with all the chavs who don’t really want to get a job and just go to get money for the pub.


Living with the boyfriend isn’t as honey moony as it sounded to her at first. Gary isn’t as affectionate as he used to be; they fight all the time, even though Chilli cooks, cleans, studies and looks for a someway to pay her way, while he goes out with his new university mates on his loan and gets drunk more and more every night. The poor girl, fed up of feeling like she is a housewife, decides to go out with some friends she has made at university and gets really drunk. She lives closer than her friends’ halls so they all decide to crash at her place. She shows them around the place and where everything is, but as they walk into the bathroom she finds Gary in a very compromising position with another bloke. BLOODY SLAGATHOR FRESHERS! She has no where to go as her family have disowned her for choosing a white boy over them, so she crashes with her friends moving around their halls for a while.

She is stuck in a rut and needs some help so she confides in Robbie. They go out, have a laugh, get drunk and he persuades her to change her degree to something she wants to do because she is really unhappy, go to her parents and explain what happened with Gary “The Christian” and make amends with them and he helps her find a job at the university bar part time while she studies. From the moment they met there was definitely something more than just a friendship going on, the more time they spend together, the more they seem to be falling for each other. But neither one of them seem to be realising it.

If you want to know more, then leave your comments!

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