Thursday, 26 February 2009

2 days to weigh in.

So yes, Ih aven't posted on here for a while, been very busy with life and what not, trying to sort things out, get thuper fit and everything.

I must make more of an effort to write on this everyday, it makes me feel like i can get things out.

Anyway, as the titale says, it is only 2 days until my weigh in to see how much my body has changed since Feb 1st.

I've been working very hard over the last month, gruelling weight training to the point I can't lift my arms, Cardio like a bunny rabbit on speed, spinning classes (if any of you know what that is then you will feel my pain, if not, it's really really really fast intense cycling and... IT HURTS!), Pilates and Yoga. I'm just settling into my timetable of fitness and as of next month I will be doing it a lot more trying to build more muscle and lose the fatty.

I'm not so worried about my weight, muscle weighs more than fatty so I am trying to get rid of the fatty and build the muscle.

In a word, I am nervous. I noticed a little bit change but nothing drastic. If I am doing it the right way then it will take time. 1 or 2 lb of fat per WEEK! that's 33lbs of fat... 33 weeks!!! Apparently anyway.

I've been eating right, I think only 1 or two days I have slipped up but I think that is much better than just giving up all together.

My biggest achievement to date, and I say this with much pride... is eating Broccoli at least every OTHER day. If you know me, you know I hate greens, anything greeny and vegetable like is not on my lilst of yummy foods. I think the only thing I like that is green is cucumber.

So yes, so far, that is how proud I am. Hopefully on Saturday I will be able to post the results of the weigh in and figures will s how me a good change. If not, then, well... I'll just have to work even harder to get rid of it.

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